Port Roper

Roper River Ilmenite Project
Our Roper River Ilmenite Project is located in the Northern Territory of Australia, 550 km to the southeast of Darwin and 120 km to the east of Mataranka. Our project occupies a large footprint in the region across Roper Highway and Central Arnhem Road. This area also bears the Roper Valley iron ore mine.
The project focuses on exploration and mining of Titanium-bearing minerals like ilmenite and magnetite.
Ilmenite concentrate is currently being produced at our processing line, transported via road-train to Darwin Port, and loaded into bulk cargo for shipment to Asian Customers
World-Class Titanium-Vanadium Mine
Superior location, high grade, large resources, huge exploration potential
>144 Million Tonnes
Mineral Resources
Average Heavy Mineral (HM) grade 6%, Ilmenite grade 5% (HM cut-off 3% used for resource definition)
500,000 Tonnes
Targeted ilmenite concentrate production by 2028
>15 Years
Mine production life based on production capacity planning and mineral resources defined
11,538 km2
Total project footprint. 3 Mining Licenses (MLs), 17 Exploration Licenses (ELs), and 14 Exploration License Applications (ELAs)
Competitive Unit Production Cost
Surface mining, simple separation process, high grade, short transport to port